
Press Release

May 6, 2024
The Epistemology Of Seperatism And Unionism (Africa’s Controversy

  10-3-2024 Abdulkarim Ali Kondengui Central Prison, Cell 23. The notion of one or more States separating from a union is gravely misunderstood and poorly perceived as much as modern day pastors misunderstand the out look of first century Pharisees, a major sect of ancient Judaism. The Pharisees seldom get any credit from today’s brethren...

May 6, 2024

(Pastors Say Africans Suffer From Ancestral Sin) Abdulkarim Ali Kondengui central prison, Yde, LRC. 15/11/2023 Religion makes Africans poor, religion enslaves Africans and religion is a scamming scheme; are claims advanced by peoples of other beliefs systems like atheism, kemitism and the so called African traditionalists. Although these claims sound palatable, proponents of the notions...

May 6, 2024

How France Keeps Its African Colonies Poor in Perpetuity Abdulkarim Ali Date: 08/30/2023 Location: Cell 23, Kondengui Prison, Yaounde, LRC. In 1958, Sékou Touré of Guinea declared, “We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery.” Sixty-five years later, the children of Africa resonate with this sentiment as Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Niger lead...

March 15, 2023
History of Southern Cameroon

  The site is about the current GENOCIDE on the people of the British Southern Cameroons. To understand why they are being killed, it is very important to understand the history of British Southern Cameroon (Ambazonia) The Evolution of Kamerun to Cameroun As a result of the First World War, which pitched the Germans against...

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Human Rights Activist
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Human Rights Activist
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