
Press Release

May 6, 2024

How France Keeps Its African Colonies Poor in Perpetuity Abdulkarim Ali Date: 08/30/2023 Location: Cell 23, Kondengui Prison, Yaounde, LRC. In 1958, Sékou Touré of Guinea declared, “We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery.” Sixty-five years later, the children of Africa resonate with this sentiment as Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Niger lead...

May 6, 2024

Muslim scholar & Ambazonian Activist Abdulkarim Ali in this video tells the radical, rogue chief of Bwassa village Ewume Eko John aka Moja Moja to dare molest our people in Bamenda & see if he will survive for 30seconds. moja moja doubles as a colonial BIR and he is fully backed by the La Republique...

March 15, 2023
History of Southern Cameroon

  The site is about the current GENOCIDE on the people of the British Southern Cameroons. To understand why they are being killed, it is very important to understand the history of British Southern Cameroon (Ambazonia) The Evolution of Kamerun to Cameroun As a result of the First World War, which pitched the Germans against...

February 27, 2023

WHAT JIHAD IS The Arabic word “jihad” is often translated as “holy war,” but in a purely linguistic sense, the word ” jihad” means struggling or striving. The arabic word for war is: “al-harb”. In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), “jihad” has many meanings. It...

February 27, 2023

I begin by praising God and i ask Him to send His peace and blessings to all His Prophets, righteous people who have lived and to us all. It’s more rational to believe than not to believe. World view would consider the existence of God against the nonexistence of God. I will go with the view...

February 27, 2023
Clocks 120 days in detention, the wife disappears, rest of his entourage is imperiled

The defense team informs the local and international press, diplomatic and international bodies accredited to Yaoundé, local and international human rights organizations, and the public in general with a lot of pain that; ABDUL KARIM ALI, the trusted Muslim Scholar, Community Leader, and Peace Crusader, particularly within the context of the fierce war in the...

Abdul Karim Ali
Human Rights Activist
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Human Rights Activist
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