May 6, 2024by Abdul Karim0


Abdulkarim Ali

After World War II, with the creation of the United Nations and its human rights declarations, the world powers pretended to have defeated racism, exceptionalism, selectionism and colonialism. The world was made to believe that humanity can be free to live by their terms and in peace protected by liberal democracy. Time has uncovered the hypocrisy and impotency underneath this global duplicity. Humans have always found a reason to kill and denumanize other humans. The oppressors argue hat they love the oppressed and won’t kill them unless when compelled to. “They are a threat to peace and security”, “they brought it unto themselves”, “they are terrosists”, “they are rebels” etc; so claim the occupiers about the occupied people. The truth is, oppressors kill the oppressed for a singular underpinning; which is that oppressors consider themselves more humans than the oppressed. Throughout history, people kill and dehumanize others for religion, race and ethnicity etc. But it isn’t just that. Thesame race find excuses to dominate and rule over weaker segments, thus the rampant murder.

The Excuse

Humanity is failing to live up to its intelligence. Though civilizations have evolved, ancient barbarism find new clever methods to be excused by modern democracies. Winston Churchill is considered as the hero of Britian by the British, but to other nations like Asia, Africa, Middle East etc, he is the worst colonial enemy. Under the nazist, it was inconceivable to put humans in a gas chamber, but for an animal like a mouse, it was serene to put a thousand and even millions. Hence the nazist named the Jews as “rats”, the stepping stone for incinerating 6 million Jews (the holocaust). Most recently in November 2023, the zionist regime of Isreal stated that Palestinians are “human animals and that Amalek (1 Samuel 15__Biblical genocide) will be revisited upon the Palestinians”. A label that was followed by a kill rate that measures only with the genocide of Rwanda. Yet it’s a civilised world of democracy with UN charters of human rights preceded by protocols of the Geneva Convention. In 2017 the colonial governor of the Southern part of Southern Cameroons, Okalia Bilai labeled all Southern Cameroonians as dogs while Obama Ernest, a journalist with Vision4 then, labeled thesame people as rats. Such labels make it easy to kill, incarcerate and flatten accomodations with utmost savagery. The same people were ealier described by a member of the Cameroun’s government, Amadu Ali, as “2 cubes of sugar” in a basin of water. The point i am making is that, it becomes easy to excuse barbarism, hate, dehumanization and murder when we assume a racial or ethnic superiority over another race or ethnic group. As a result over 3000 Southern Cameroonians are in jails hundreds of miles away from their territory, over 1 million displaced, over 30,000 killed, over 80,000 in refugee camps, over 600 homes fattened; just to name a few of the many dehumanizing savagery perpetrated under the watch of the civilized world with the UN and world powers championing liberalism and human rights.

Media As Colonial Aparatus

Alternative reality, otherwise known as propaganda is the main tool in the distraction toolbox of the media. They invite the victims on TV and ask them if they condemn the resistance of their people against their occupiers and killers. The repetition is flabbergasting within strategic tricky lines of questioning: “do you condemn, don’t you want peace”, “what is proportionate response?” etc. All in a bid to lure the victim into guilt and self hate. These distractions continue simultaneously with the murder, incarceration and dehumanization of the victims. While they want the oppressor to condemn their own defense units, they ignore ongoing outrage perpetrated by the settler colonizers or occupiers or invaders. Reading Mehdi Hassan’s book (win every argument), i learned that propaganda can’t be refuted with truths and facts. It is fashioned to put you off balance so that you don’t deploy common sense.

I argue that, satire can come handy in dealing with media propagandists. Responding straight to propaganda only feeds it intent and purposes, which is to render the victim guilty of his own dehumanization and murder. Instead of dignifying their tricks and bigotry, use their energy against them. For example, when they ask you if you condemn your own, respond with a satire: [“i dont only condemn them but i condemn the terrorist babies, old men and old women who were killed in their homes, from schools and in churches by the peaceful and professional occupying forces . Continue to say, you condemn even God for creating you and your people]. Satire makes propagandists look so stupid in the face of their own lies and tricks.

In conclusion, human stories of grave injustices, annexation and wickedness are all connected. It is just a matter of who tells the story, who writes the story, who narrates the story and who controls the natrative. Someone’s hero is another’s colonial nightmare and someone’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. They ask you to condemn the freedom fighter while they produce clever excuses for the colonial nightmare. Killing humans is difficult but when one feels superior and entitled, its easy. Chaining humans and dumping them in dungeons for who they are is difficult, but animals, easy. The excuse is by and large that of superiority and entitlement. They craft murder excuses and accuse the victims of bringing annexation on themselves and use propaganda to accuse victims for sympathizing with terrorists (freedom fighters). The dark truth.

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