May 6, 2024by Abdul Karim0




The simple answer to this question is a resounding “YES”! Due to popular demand i am reiterating this argument with the hope that it fosters religious tolerance and cohesion among Muslims and non muslims, especially Christians, who constitute the majority of the population of my Country, most African and Western Countries. The Eids are two official holidays celebrated in Islam, one marking the end of Ramadan and the other commemorating the deed of sacrifice of the ram practiced by Abraham (on whom be peace) recorded in Genesis 22:13-14. Sound scholarship based on primary source material of Islam (Quran and Hadiths) support cohesion and interaction with non muslims especially our Christian brethen to the extent that chapters 3 and 5 of the Quran factor the expediency of conversations and debates between Muslims and Christians. Unfortunately radical skepticism among some Muslims suggest that Christians and non Muslims should not share in the Eids. This short paper seeks to clarify both Muslims and especially our Christian brethen on this question.

The Quran refers to both Jews and Christians as “people of scripture” and commands us to respect them and humanity as whole. It is important to know that the very first community to receive Muslim refugees was a Christian community in Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Between 613-616 CE the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked his followers to flee from persecution and seek refuge in the Kingdom of Aksum, modern day Ethiopia and Eritea. The Christian Priest and leader of the community, An-Nagashi aka Negus granted the Muslims asylum. It is reported that the Nagashi Masgid of Ethiopia was constructed in his days.

Quran and Christians In Summary.

Allah tells us that the best friends to Muslims are Christians (Quran 5:82). It will be a prank or a fantasy to have a best friend and prohibits him from sharing a meal with you on an important day. The Quran instructs Muslims to invite the people of scripture to common terms (similarities) between them ( Quran 3:64). How can you invite friends and deny them a meal or water? Or shall we assume that the invitation includes every other event but the Eid? Furthermore, Allah asks Muslims to be wise and respectful in engaging others ( Quran 16:25). By the way, if Muslims are allowed to share the foods of Jews and Christians (Quran 5:5), why won’t Christians and others share the Eid (feasts) with Muslims? I invite Muslims to use the EIDs wisely as opportunities to share not just a meal but the word of Allah with Christians and non muslims.

Mohammad (pbuh) And Non Muslims.

Muhammad (pbuh) treated everybody, friend or foe with kindness and taught his companions to do likewise. It is reported by Abu Basar Gaffari (Ra) that when he was a non-believer he came to Medina and stayed as a guest of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). He drank milk from all his goats at night but the Prophet (pbuh) did not say a word. That night he and all his family members slept hungry. A similar incident is reported by Abu Huraira (Ra). One night a non-believer stayed as a guest of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). One by one he drank milk of all the seven goats but the Prophet (pbuh) did not show any sign of anger or dislike for him. Perhaps due to the Prophet’s (pbuh) behaviour next morning the man embraced Islam and was satisfied with the milk of only one goat. Abu Huraira’s (Ra) mother who lived with him in Medina was a non-believer. She used to abuse the Holy Prophet (pbuh) about which Abu Huraira (Ra) complained to him but he prayed for her.


If Christianity means following Jesus Chris (pbuh) then i am a Christian. When Allah prescribed fasting in the Month of Ramadan for Muslims, He iterated that it was prescribed for those before us. Those before Muslims in the context of religion are especially the Christians and Jews, who were the secondary audience of Mohammad (pbuh) in Madina, where this verse (Quran 2:183) was revealed. Are we then to think that Eid wasn’t practiced for those before Muslims or that the Prophet (pbuh) would shut his doors to those He invited via Allah’s instructions? No! He wouldn’t. In fact the touch stone of theology, chapter 112 of the Quran was revealed to a Christian deputation invited and hosted in His Mosque by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

Dear Christians and non Muslims, you are welcomed to share the Eid with us Muslims. May Allah bring to all of us the peace we seek and beneficial knowledge of His religion, Islam.

Eid Mubarak in advance.


Allah Knows Best

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